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What is Sardonic?
The backdoor was embedded indirectly into a PowerShell script that infected victim machines. The PowerShell script code deletes the script file, checks the architecture, and chooses a 32-bit or 64-bit version of an encoded .NET loader, as appropriate.
The .NET loader is decoded and loaded into the current process. The code then triggers the main functionality of the .NET loader. The .NET loader itself is an obfuscated .NET DLL containing two blobs, the injector, and the backdoor. The injector is in the form of shellcode and is used to start the backdoor in a newly created WmiPrvSE.exe process. The backdoor is also shellcode.Sardonic backdoor allows the threat actor to run up to 10 sessions leveraging cmd.exe or other interactive processes. It also uses multiple formats to extend its functionality. These include PE DLL plugins, shellcode plugins, and shellcode that passes arguments using another convention.
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