Executive Summary
Key Takeaways
Researchers from Palo Alto’s Unit 42 recently reported on a new Linux variant of PingPull. PingPull is a RAT used by the China nexus threat actor group Gallium. The original PingPull variant targeting Windows was first noted in September 2021. PingPull is a RAT that uses ICMP for C2. The Linux variant uses OpenSSL to interact with the C2 over HTTPS.
The Linux variant of PingPull was identified as a PingPull variant due to matching HTTP communication structure, POST parameters, and the AES key and C2 commands used. PingPull for Linux gives the threat actors the ability to list, read, write, copy, rename, and delete files. It also gives them the ability to run commands.
Unit 42 researchers noted several of the HTTP parameters used in the PingPull Linux variant align with commands used in the China Chopper webshell.
Unit 42 researchers also included details on Sword2033, another tool in Gallium’s arsenal. Sword2033 is a backdoor that connects over port 8443 over HTTPS. Sword2033 allows threat actors to upload and download files from the victim machine and execute commands. Sword2033 also targets Linux systems.
Who is Gallium?
Gallium, also known as Alloy Taurus and Operation Soft Cell, is a China nexus threat actor group known to target telecommunications, financial, and government entities. The group has been active since at least 2012, and their primary objective is espionage. Gallium’s TTPs overlap with several other China nexus threat actor groups. TTPs include using actor-controlled servers based in Taiwan, PoisonIvy RAT, HTRAN, China Chopper, BlackMould, PlugX, PingPull, and Sword2033. Unit 42 researchers noted the new PingPull variant and Sword2033 seem to indicate Gallium is expanding its operational capabilities.
PolySwarm has a sample of the PingPull Linux variant.
You can use the following CLI command to search for all PingPull samples in our portal:
$ polyswarm link list -f PingPull
PolySwarm has multiple samples of Sword2033.
You can use the following CLI command to search for all xx samples in our portal:
$ polyswarm link list -f Sword2033
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