The PolySwarm Blog

Analyze suspicious files and URLs, at scale, millions of times per day. Get real-time threat intel from a crowdsourced network of security experts and antivirus companies competing to protect you.

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Security Telemetry: New utility use for Nectar (NCT)

May 17, 2021 6:05:27 PM / by PolySwarm Team posted in Explained, PolySwarm, Blockchain


Today we introduce a new utility use for PolySwarm’s Nectar token for average users: distributing rewards for security-relevant data about TLS certificates, DNS resolutions, and potentially malicious files encountered in daily computer use. Many of these telemetry sources are already collected from user devices by Antivirus (AV) providers. Still, there are a number of serious issues with how they are collected, how users are compensated for their information, and how these results are shared. By re-imagining how this marketplace works, we can increase collection transparency, fairly compensate all participants in the marketplace, and, most importantly, create a more unified source of security telemetry that will better protect users worldwide.

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SentinelOne joins the PolySwarm marketplace

Apr 8, 2021 3:17:20 PM / by PolySwarm Team posted in Partner, Engine



SentinelOne joined PolySwarm’s marketplace, and their threat detection engine is now live. The US-based company, a pioneer in advanced endpoint protection, leverages machine learning designed to identify unknown malware and remediate threats in real-time.  

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Kaspersky joins PolySwarm’s marketplace as an arbiter

Apr 1, 2021 4:33:30 PM / by PolySwarm Team posted in Partner, Engine


Global cybersecurity company Kaspersky joined PolySwarm’s marketplace, and their threat detection engine is now live. Kaspersky’s role within the platform will be to arbitrate on engine’s determinations to establish ‘ground truth’, which means making a final decision on the maliciousness of a given sample, 2 to 3 weeks after the sample has been first scanned.  

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Progress to date and key milestones ahead

Mar 26, 2021 2:56:41 PM / by PolySwarm Team posted in PolySwarm, Product


The last 12 months have been intense yet very productive for PolySwarm, as we have scaled our platform, fast-tracked user acquisition and released new key features.
Let’s do a quick recap of what we’ve accomplished before we get into what lies ahead of us.

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Inlyse joins the PolySwarm threat intelligence marketplace

Feb 8, 2021 2:12:59 PM / by PolySwarm Team posted in Partner, Engine


“We are proud to be partnering with Polyswarm, and being part of their launchpad for new technologies and innovative threat detection methods” stated Julian Ziegler, Co CEO of Inlyse.

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Cyberstanc joins the PolySwarm threat intelligence marketplace

Oct 29, 2020 2:21:40 PM / by PolySwarm Team posted in Partner, Engine


"Cyberstanc is thrilled to collaborate with Polyswarm's initiative of creating a fully crowd sourced malware detection platform.” said Cyberstanc Founder and CEO Rohit Bankoti. “We strive to address latest challenges with constant innovations and hope to deliver benchmark cybersecurity posture for the community"

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PolyScore™, the most advanced threat-scoring algorithm for malware

May 18, 2020 3:27:03 PM / by PolySwarm Team posted in Product


PolySwarm announced today the release of PolyScore™, a threat scoring algorithm that provides the probability that a given file contains malware in a single, authoritative number.   

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TeamT5's ThreatVision APT detection engine joins PolySwarm's marketplace

May 6, 2020 2:11:30 PM / by PolySwarm Team posted in Product, Partner


"We are excited to join PolySwarm, and to contribute to the network with our specialized APT intelligence in the Asia Pacific region" says TeamT5 CEO, TT Tsai. "We as a team, will bring the experience of our clients to the next level.


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