Threat bounties - like familiar bug bounties - tap into the concept of crowdsourcing and leveraging the wisdom of the crowd to get wider perspective on threats, allowing enterprises to expand their internal security teams with diverse and specialized expertise in a cost efficient way. Threat bounties use economic rewards (facilitated through the blockchain, at speed and scale) and include a competitive component to incentivize accuracy and quality outputs.
“Currently, incident response teams in organizations primarily use VirusTotal as the go-to ‘database’ to determine whether a suspicious file or artifact is malicious, but our platform is more effective for a number of reasons. PolySwarm is differentiated by economic incentives to increase quality and effectiveness of threat identification. Scanning engines in PolySwarm are rewarded for accurate determinations in their fields of expertise, which means enterprises using our subscription service benefit from broader coverage and increased accuracy. Security analysts and large companies that need to detect threats and keep them out of their networks benefit from the combined wisdom of detection tools from around the world — rather than the limited protection provided by a single security vendor.”
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