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Tomiris Targets Central Asia in Espionage Campaign

May 5, 2023 2:00:47 PM / by The Hivemind posted in Russia, Threat Bulletin, Kopiluwak, TunnusSched, Roopy, Tomiris, Central Asia, Telemiris, JLORAT


Related Families: Telemiris, TunnusSched, Roopy, JLORAT, KopiLuwak
Verticals Targeted: Government, Diplomatic Entities

Executive Summary

A Russian-speaking threat actor group dubbed Tomiris was recently observed conducting an espionage campaign targeting countries in Central Asia. The group uses a variety of tools, some of which overlap with the Russian threat actor group Venomous Bear.

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Recent Turla Activity Targeting Ukraine

Jan 19, 2023 12:39:38 PM / by The Hivemind posted in Ukraine, Russia, Threat Bulletin, Espionage, Venomous Bear, Andromeda, Kopiluwak, Turla, QuietCanary


Related Families: Andromeda, Kopiluwak, QuietCanary

Executive Summary

Mandiant recently reported on a Turla campaign targeting Ukraine. The threat actors used multiple malware families in this campaign, including Kopiluwak, QuietCanary, and Andromeda.

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PolySwarm 2022 Recap - Threat Actor Activity Highlights: Russia

Dec 29, 2022 3:17:20 PM / by PolySwarm Tech Team posted in Russia, Threat Bulletin, APT, Europe, 2022 Recap


Executive Summary

This Threat Bulletin is part of PolySwarm’s 2022 Recap series. This report provides highlights of activity perpetrated by Russia-based threat actors in 2022. Russian APT activity in 2022 was heavily focused on targeting Ukraine for espionage and sabotage due to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. While the Russian cyber threat landscape includes a wide variety of ransomware and cybercrime threat actors, we have limited the scope of this report to state-sponsored threat actor activity.

Key Takeaways

  • This report highlights activity perpetrated by Russia-based APT threat actors in 2022.
  • Threat actors featured in this report include Cozy Bear, Fancy Bear, Energetic Bear, Venomous Bear, Primitive Bear, VooDoo Bear, Ember Bear, Saint Bear, UAC-0041, UAC-0088, and UAC-0098.
  • PolySwarm tracked malware associated with multiple Russia nexus threat actors in 2022. 
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PolySwarm 2022 Recap - War of the Wipers

Dec 15, 2022 1:04:25 PM / by PolySwarm Tech Team posted in Ukraine, Russia, Threat Bulletin, Wiper, 2022 Recap


Related Families: DoubleZero, IsaacWiper, HermeticWiper, CaddyWiper, WhisperGate, AcidRain, Industroyer2, Azov, CryWiper

Verticals Targeted: defense, government, judicial, telecommunications, energy, non-profit

Executive Summary

In 2022, we observed a significant increase in the number of wiper malware families active in the wild. The majority of this activity appears to be motivated by or conducted in conjunction with the ongoing kinetic warfare taking place between Russia and Ukraine. In this report, we focus on wipers that seem to be connected to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Key Takeaways

  • In 2022, we observed a significant increase in the number of wiper malware families active in the wild. Many of these appear to be related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
  • These families include DoubleZero, HermeticWiper, IsaacWiper, CaddyWiper, WhisperGate, AcidRain, Industroyer2, Azov, and CryWiper. 
  • The majority of these wiper families targeted entities in Ukraine, while at least one targeted entities in Russia.
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Cyber Threats to Aviation and Aerospace

Oct 25, 2022 5:02:07 PM / by PolySwarm Tech Team posted in Russia, Threat Bulletin, China, Ransomware, Aerospace, Hacktivism, Aviation, Data Theft, Killnet, Phishing


Executive Summary

The aviation and aerospace verticals face numerous challenges in the form of cyber threats. This report gives an overview of the different threat actor motivations to target aviation and aerospace and the types of threats to these verticals.

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New Armageddon Activity Targets Ukraine

Sep 22, 2022 12:45:11 PM / by PolySwarm Tech Team posted in Ukraine, Russia, Threat Bulletin, Infostealer, Armageddon, Gameredon, Primitive Bear, Shuckworm


Executive Summary

Cisco Talos researchers recently reported on new activity perpetrated by Russian nexus threat actor group Armageddon. The group is using a new infostealer to target entities in Ukraine.

Key Takeaways

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Woody RAT Targets Russia

Aug 15, 2022 2:18:29 PM / by PolySwarm Tech Team posted in Russia, Threat Bulletin, Woody RAT, RAT


Executive Summary

Malwarebytes recently reported on Woody RAT, a RAT being used to target entities in Russia.

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New ArguePatch Variant Spotted

May 31, 2022 3:03:49 PM / by PolySwarm Tech Team posted in Ukraine, Russia, Threat Bulletin, CaddyWiper, Industroyer2, Sandworm, Voodoobear, ArguePatch



ESET recently tweeted about a new version of ArguePatch, a malware loader used by VooDoo Bear (Sandworm) in multiple attacks against Ukrainian assets. ESET also gave an overview of the new version of ArguePatch on their WeLiveSecurity blog.

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